Monday, October 26, 2009

Episode 6: 1st Annual Halloween Spectacular!

We talk horror, horror, horror! Halloween is here again, BUT it's the first one with The Movie Mexican!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Episode 5: (no clever title yet)

What is a movie without any music? Boring. We talk to Heavy Metal rocker Andrew Juelg about composing the original score for SCUM, his thought process and where he got his inspirations from.

I review Spike Jonze and Kanye West's We Were Once a Fairytale which is disappearing faster than Nic Cage's hairline so if you too wanna see what the hype's all about, head over to and watch for yourself!


Speaking of Nic Cage, here's an interesting little preview of his next flick Season of the Witch.

And here's a little taste of what to expect from The A-Team courtesy of Entertainment Tonight:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Episode 4: Wild & Crazies!

Yet another one of my most anticipated movies of the year, Where the Wild Things Are, comes out this week so make sure to listen up to Episode 4 to see if it's as good as I hope it is!

So I didn't get around to checking out the original The Crazies for the last episode, but I did this week so here's the post again:
George A. Romero's The Crazies has gotten remade and here's the trailer. We revisit the classic(?) in Episode 4!

Here's the official site:

Mel Gibson's latest flick directed by Martin Campbell (Casino Royale) looks very action-y and drama-y! ¡Plus Ray Winstone as another hard badass! Sign me up.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

¡Episodio Tres! (that means Episode Three)

This episode we interview Tiffany Haskin, the hair & make-up artist for SCUM, who shares her inspiration & stories from the set. We are also joined by special guest James Ramirez.

Something interesting happened this weekend. I was given the chance to watch one of my most anticipated movies of this year early, Lars Von Triers Antichrist (Oct. 23). Listen to what I had to say and watch the trailer.

This weekend we will check out Ti West's The House of the Devil which has yet to be released in theaters (Oct. 30) but is available through Amazon's Video on Demand service! Hopefully all will go well as I've never used the service before, but this flick seems well worth the trial. Check out the trailer:

We've talked a bit about Robert Rodriguez's produced/written Predators movie and now you can get a sneak peak at the script and characters over at Latino Review (which always has the best script reviews & news).
Latino Review's First Look At Robert Rodriguez's Predators

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Episode Number 2

!Otro! In this fantastico episode we discuss the state of very low budget indie films, like SCUM, and discuss Twilight, Marmaduke, Roger Avery, Resident Evil: Afterlife & Halloween 3D. We review the 1988 horror film Rejuvenatrix aka The Rejuvenator, Away We Go, The Brothers Bloom and the Bruce Willis sc-fi/action flick Surrogates. And we have special mexican guest James Ramirez in the studio. Check it out and hit us back with any feedback you've got. We appreciate it always.

Episode 1

¡Hola mi amigos! In our first episode we talk about my movie SCUM, discuss Robert Rodriguez's Machete & Predators along with other movie news as well as review Jennifer's Body & Observe and Report. Not to mention, Brandon Maldonado, star & executive producer of the movie SCUM, stops by to chat along with Albert Salazar, another actor with a small part in the movie. What will they say? Check out the premier episode and drop us a line to let us know how we did! Or not...

SCUM Theatrical Trailer #2 from Paul Gonzales on Vimeo.